Recently for those of you who may be random followers my grandfather passed away this left me with a lot to take in and to question not to mention to have a whole other culture watch how me as an American handles death. I took a while to write this blog as to word it just right o in hopes to get certain things across just right so if at any point you are thinking humm or this is not for me you can skip around I can already can tell this is going to be pretty random. When someone close to you dies its hard not to evaluate the very notion of human existences perhaps for me this is only 10 fold bc I think about why I am alive everyday is it just to fight that good fight know what love and surfing is to go some place better to be reborn who knows? That seems to be cross culture no matter who you talk to we all have are own ideas as to what happens or what life and death really means but in the end we are all just humans and we just have no idea. Before leaving America I knew their was a possibility of what I might miss while I lived in Cambodia and sadly I have to except the realization that I could not go back to America to be their with my family while as many of you can imagine is hard not that anyone faults me but never the less its something I have had to internally cope with. My host mom was very interested in what we do in America when I first got the news was my early morning I called the house to check in after I got the news I went to go find my host mom so she could give me incenses the Cambodian way of worshiping ancestors who have gone on. Except my unclearness in Khmer made me have to say it 3 times which then I just broke down and cried and told her why I need it and she was quick to be real mom like and help me for those of you who don’t know im not to much into any one religion more about free winging what I feel rights at the time but she made sure to say a bunch of things in sand scrip for me. That night when I had my Khmer lesson I ended up explaining how things go down in America when death occurs to my host mom. This left her very sad because I had to tell her that in American they do not believe in reincarnation once you die that is it she was like so that is it you will never meet them in another life again etc and I was like nope that’s it their dead gone forever she did not like this at all. Cambodians know about Jesus because so many people come and try to convert them but they do not know all the dominations which my grandfather and many other people in my family our devout Catholics so I tried to explain to her from the best of my recollection that goes on. She was really under the impression you can only wear black and was telling me that I should fast for a few days only eat rice and water and lots of food offering however when I tired to fast she ended up telling me no I would be to skinny people would think she does not feed me lmao so Cambodian. After this I gave her a free palm reading my khmer tutor translated all I know I told you I would not do that again but with spiritually in questions why not bring out the mystical now she does tell people I can see what will happen to you in your life lmao. After this convo it really did leave me thinking about every cultures life and death rituals and how different they can be its all for the same purpose to give us hope that we know what its all about or to keep us busy enough to forget that there is a begging and end. So while I will go on question my existence in life and most deff the over all purpose of human being, I have to come with some sort of agreement with my self that whatever life is it is and my grandpapa is someone who has lived an extremely full life one that only so many other people can hope to emulate on that note my sister created a video that I will attempt to upload full of pictures of my grandpapa. Till next time peace out from the other side of the world!