Okay so take back the night close pin line around the
corner a few hundred short from goal needed we went back to lucky supper
market. Since I have a blog post on tabling in Cambodia I thought this one I
would just do best funny quotes convos I endured on my two day table excursion.
Random American couple about 50 years old “o what work r
you doing that’s great but we come back every year for 3 months to work in the
orphanages so we are doing out part already”
My response “That’s great umm any little thing we can do”
in my head “im not asking for ur bank account if u have a penny that would be
A judge I think British “o I am a judge so I know all
there is to know about violence I see it in my court everyday and I have so
many charities I donate to already”
Me “o u work in the court system what do you think of all
the corruption of the legal system Cambodia”
Judge “o that’s not my concern but I can tell you this you
will never be able to stop violence or prostitution in Cambodia it is the
fabric of there society”
Me in head “great the judge uses prostitutes every night
and me putting a stop to that behavior is the end of his fun” what I actually
say “well its certainly not going to happen with me alone there needs to be a
cultural shift of equality between sex’s world wide”
Random ngo worker French “you know there is more pressing
issues in Cambodia and you might want to concentrate on them”
Me “can you give me an example”
French dude “children that’s where it matters”
Me “sure children matter but we need to go to the root of
the issues why so many of them are forcibility abandoned”
European Women 40’s “o your with the un I will never give
you a cent” storms off
Me “wait I don’t work for the un that’s just some
educational materials I have” quickly accepting a lost cause.
Repeat offender “why do I recognize you”
Me “ooo I know y because last time I did this you freaked
out on me”
Repeat offender “o no what did I do”
Me “you told me that I should be ashamed of my self for
working for peace corps and they are the worst organization ever they do more
harm then good”
Repeat offender “omg that’s right but no I saw something
about u yesterday… hey ur doing work for metahouse”
Me “yea hey how did you know that”
Him o im in charge of getting the funds for the project I
like ur idea
Me in head “once hated by this dude now we r friends
people really can change =)”
Missing his teeth dude “I have a Cambodian wife so im not
like the expats”
Me in head “really that’s exactly what an expat does” Me
“that’s great”
Missing his teeth dude “I don’t need to be educated on the
situation in Cambodia my wife’s father beat her and all his girls”
Me “that’s terrible im sorry to hear that”
Missing teeth dude “yea he still beats people up”
Me in head “I wonder if this abusive father is the one who
arranged his marriage to his daughter” me “well I hope you can find away to
help the situation”
Missing teeth guy walks away quickly then turns around to
tell me “ you see I could write a book on sexual abuses u have know idea how
much I know”
Me in head “what else is there to say” “well sir I hope
you do write that book im sure it will be an educational read”
20 something American SEXPAT in the Hawaiian shirt “I am
going to read about your project first ill hit u back on my way out”
SEXPAT in the Hawaiian shirt “can you please define what
your definition of sexual violence is”
Me “any unwanted forced sexual touch”
Sexpat in the Hawaiian shirt “if that’s the case I can’t
in good conscious donate to your project”
Me “I’m sorry what about that definition don’t you agree
Sexpat in the Hawaiian shirt “when I think violence I
think it has to be extreme and has to be rape with penile penetration”
Me “gives ample examples of violent sex acts from using a
knife to use kissing someone to more extreme examples that his definition
leaves out”
Sexpat in the Hawaiian shirt “but that would mean I could
be considered a rapist and im not”
Me in head “yes that exactly the issues u don’t see ur
self for the rapist u r bc u get away with so much and not enough people inform
u that what you are doing is rape”
Me “well maybe that’s something u should be thinking
Sexpat in the Hawaiian shirt “you need to see how wrong
you are and that if this is how you or ur organization defines sexual violence
u should put it on ur information about the project so people know what they
are donating to”
Me thanks for the advice
Okay so on the flip side I would like to say there were a
lot of people who where engaged in learning about what we were giving out. Not to
mention some people gave a lot of money in hopes to help a dead ancestor who
was a victim of abuse. Just something to think about how seriously some people
can take what me and liz say to them and how for a myriad of foreign workers in
country feeling what they do is good enough and r above talking with me or liz
says a lot. Anyways peace out from the other side of the world!!!