You know how in movies when everything is all normal there is some sort of music jam playing in the background well pretend with this recount of events that I was on my way to work music background u chooses and all of a sudden ziiiiprip I show up and there is this huge colorful tent with chairs and a lot of people around the hospital. Thoughts that go though my head did some one plan a wedding on hospital grounds no I don’t think so humm I spot the dude that speaks eng yes big event today what for because of volunteers and you look on my face????? I decied not to push it further and take the wait and see approach maybe he just said it all wrong in eng and all of a sudden my older host sister the one who I thought was my mom is calling me over and im like great they invited family there must be a reason bc why else would my host sister a seller of eggs show up to the hospital so I go and sit by her why I wait for the rest of event to unfold. Once everyone started to take there seats I selected mine as careful as I could or in other words which would be the seat I would be least obvious in however I did not get my way the director of my hospital and the guy who speaks eng made me move all the way up to the front and when the speaker started all I understood was something about being here and then an announcement of my name for what I have no idea as for the other volunteers world vision is giving us money to build a maternity ward so I guess they just combined everything into some sort of big event without telling me that’s for sure. Mean while plan for that day was to talk to my mom and Luis on the phone for Luis bday and the middle of this thing my phone rings im like well maybe I can hit ignore I did but of course I knew they would call back so I was like screw it and just got up and left and talked on the phone after all in Cambodia I seen people on stage answer phones and they never told me about such event so I have no idea as to how many names my name was mention or what for but all I know if I was the guest of honor I was deff MIA. Other worldly news from yours truly I bought INTERNET okay so I thought it over for a couple months and deiced that I spend more time and money traveling and paying for internet then if I just got this usb stick and pay 3 bucks for 800 kilobites so I did it as of this week I can get online when ever I want however I don’t want to abuse my new privilege I was almost scared to get it bc I don’t want to just be an online junkie hopefully self control will be with me. I also got it bc I have been trying to contact various corporation and such to get donation from and waiting 2 weeks is way to slow of a process if I really want to get things done on the fly and most of you know me I hate to sit on the bench and watch so now with the world wide web at my finger tips im ready to go. I think I have mentioned in this blog at some point in time I love to go for long walk into the middle of nowhere well I guess that must stop bc people I work with were very upset that I would walk so far keep in mind the fact I even walk is a foreign concept to that so while im used to walking avenues in New York City they went on and on how dangerous it was and how come I was not scared I know your thinking just don’t let them know and I would agree but how they found out in the first place is exactly how they will know… at the big event there was people from all over my district anyway they some of them decided to inform my director of my on goings and ask why do I go for walks so far this of course lead to mass panic and lectures I really cant sneeze in Cambodia with out it becoming gossip. This week me and my host brother had an interesting conversation so the other night I was cutting out stuff from mags to make an art project for my room and I hear noise from the window and my brother peeking in I ignore it at first but it kept happening so finally I was like yes can I help you (he speaks eng one one) so he responds yes I wants to see’s you’s (cambodians love to add s to the end of eng words don’t know why) so after he stops peeking in though my window he comes in and sits down I think he has been nervous to come in my room except other family members will come in so as to why I don’t know never the less he came in to see what I was doing and then to play with my ipod and computer he was telling me how much he loves my ipod and how he wants one. Most Cambodians don’t have anything apple bc its a lot more expensive however they all have phones sometimes 3 phones and they download music to it so I was asking him about his phone does he have a lot of music however I guess he does not have a phone which I was taken a back buy bc everyone eles in the family minus my host mom and dad who r like 70 have a phone he was telling me he has no money for one the best I can figure it I think he spends the most amount of time in private classes eng etc and I don’t think the rest of the family takes school as serous as him so it might be why no phone. We got to talking about music and I thought my sister Patricia would be amused to know one of his favorite American artist is Taylor swift that made me laugh he also likes Justin beaver I don’t even know how to take that one. Since I had him talking I was like humm I need to find out how big my family is because I think its huge and im pretty sure there might be more siblings living eles where so he tells me about another brother and 2 more sisters except 3 years ago one of his sisters died of malaria and that his brother lives in Malaysia I was happy to have a real conversation with someone in the family because for the most part day to day its just them starring into my window.
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