The day after New Years Eve is also national hangover day just fyi on that one anyways I stayed in Phnom Penh because I had a meeting so I had basically 5 days in the city. So lets see I stuffed my face with Khmer food due to the fact it was so cheap a price I later paid for what I mean by this is new years day aka national hangover day we stopped at some small rd side stand to have rice and pork not really a good combo no I did not get sick but my roommate did and not just a little sick either. On Saturday night we had to get her host brother who was down the street sleeping at the wat ill explain more about this sleeping at the wat businesses down the line promises one story at a time. Okay back on track by the time Sunday morning rolled around well she was feeling a bit better but this was bc of the coining so I know there is no proof behind coining however the people who have done it all of which happen to be my friends ha-ha I guess were the crazy people who try Cambodian medicine way of life out but anyways it seems that after one gets coined it makes u feel better for a few hours but after that its like whatever you were putting off comes on full force so its odd like you might have no temperature but then it will just spike not gradual like if you were not coined. Besides the little adventure of getting her to Peace Corps office and the hospital I still had to get ready for the meeting. Yes I guess I should go into why their was a meeting well this is the first year for any health volunteers in Cambodia and as health volunteers due to this fact we all have a lot to figure out as volunteers each of us is having a totally different experience but one thing in common no idea really what to do. However for me I feel like this blank open page is awesome I have had a pretty good service however a lot of volunteers have not been able to intergrad at their hospitals etc and we figured it would be good for all of us to get together and see what has been working and not in our health care centers it was a really good meeting overall. So with the holidays and all I feel like I have been away from site to long so I was ready to get back and when I did my friend Jentee’s brother apparently saw me in the city however I scare him so he never said hi anyways I guess he lives in the same wat as my friends Khmer brother from prey chore. Let me explain about living in the Wat so you don’t have to be a monk just a male most young boys who are going to school live their really cheap its 2 dollars and 50 cents a month and 25 cents per meal you eat at the Wat it’s a really sweet deal I got a chance to visit the living quarters Khmer boys are really organized lol my host brother makes fun of me all the time bc I am so disorganized but anyways the only downer is no girls can live at the wat so sexual discrimination inequality not something im a fan of even the nuns who clean up and deal with all the monks cant live at the Wat.
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