No no no I am just pulling your leg or especially luis leg but due to my up coming trip peace corps invited me to come in two days early expensive paid sweet deal to have my mid service medical exams. What this entailed was a trip to the dentist which is the nervous part of this exam process well first I am not the biggest fan of the dentist I swear its always painful and I manage to always have something wrong. First impression humm well Cambodians cant really afford tooth paste let alone dentist so I was like what am I in store for turns out not so bad except the detail hygienist wear these mini white skirts like a red cross outfit from the 1940s but as if a porno will break out. Odd thing about the dentist you only see him for 5 mins and the hygienist lady takes a water pick to clean you teeth there is no real prodding and no x-rays which I could not believe but that’s very Cambodian why would you take sever action unless there is something wrong. Good news about all of this even though im not sure they really did all they could to prove my teeth were in deed healthy but they say no cavities so ill take that even though since the age of 7 I feel like I have always had something wrong and Cambodians put sugar on everything so how I escaped this I will never know but im so excited!!! The rest of my exam was healthy except turns out I have scoliosis slightly though no one has ever told me this and considering I been going to the pediatrtion until i was 21 and they are supposed to specialize in spotting child hood disease I would say they failed me. I have to wait to be retested for tb my host family the new one thinks I had to go into get tested for hiv because I was going to travel and for my host sister to try to get her visa to the usa you know they make people do mad test so to them they thought I had to do the same thing this cracked me up and I don’t think I was able to explain me traveling is different then you trying to get a visa. I am gearing up getting ready for my trips to Singapore and bali I have no idea what will be in store but im so excited to see a new part of the world so until next time peace out!
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