Okay well in light of two major events I have caught in the limited American news I know about one being the College Football couch selling boys and the second that guying running for office who is lying about sexual assault. For this post you will get an earful from my over educated self in women studies and perhaps I am a bit to much on the war path these past couple of weeks but the news of these two things only pushes me further. Often the person who has to debate these issues with me is Luis who actually pretty much never agrees with what I am saying so I am used to being tuned out if this is what you decide to do. First off I would like to state how screwed our culture is that never once in all the media videos I have seen this far have I heard anything about the psychological state of the victims but all about what this means for Penn state football team is it me or is that screwed up??? This is all after the fact of course but how about all the people who knew and said nothing for fear what shame it could bring the organization (once again what about the victims shame). Today I read the psychological excuses behind why an organization with more men tend to believe in a highartical order and feel less compelled to stop the person higher in the social order. That women are better able to asses the victims needs over that of the social group while men turn to each other forgetting the victim. The problem with all of this is right now we must remember this is a male social organization so even after the fact that this is all going down its major focus is still on the male group of the college institution and what will happen to the football team. Now some of you might think what no your crazy, just count how many people have posted on twitter Facebook about the situation what are they saying? Exactly my point! Now to be fair and so I don’t seem one sided its not just this male football organization the students knew about this to but this brings me to ask you do we live in a rape culture? Rape culture is an umbrella term for all the things that enable people to consider the willful violation of another person's sexual consent less than a gravely serious and violent crime, and usually focuses on how many aspects of culture can be used to normalize and trivialize sexual violence against women or in this case a young child. Ex anyone can say that child wanted to help the team by prostitution thus making it mentally okay in their head that they are ignoring the fact that they know rape is occurring. Not to mention as a whole rape on college campus is often unreported and dealt with internally anyone see why this could lead to problems with justices? Now people sit around and wonder why the police where not involved because more times then not they never are. I know where I went to school the campus police where more powerful then the town cops. If any of you doubt this is rape culture look how the student body is reacting protesting the firing of a couch that covered up sever sexually abuse that occurred for years. If you think rape culture with this particular example will end just wait till next football season I should know I went to a “football school” where the student body sells shirts of a graphic nature of the opposing team lets just say nothing is crossing the line. Why I bring this up well I would bet you 100 dollars there will be shirts joking about not taking your kids to that game on a shirt or don’t take a lollipop from the couch sort of a deal I guess we will have to wait to see if I am right. As always though, nothing wrong here just day to day normal culture of our values system one I hope we don’t stand for much longer. Some of you might not know I have a huge vested interested in studying non verbal communication particular lying any way’s with that show lie to me on fox it has taken my interest to a whole new level. I don’t have 24 media access to who is running and honesty grateful for that but I happened to get board one afternoon and after seeing on Khmer news their was “allegations” of sexual harassment from that Cain I was like hum I wonder if I could YouTube it to see his body la I know that’s how sick my mind is I just had to see if I could practices my skills. Okay I would like you not to just watch this clip but let it dl fully then keep pausing it like every 2 seconds and look at him tell me what you see how many times can you see him lie. I can tell you what caught me right off the bat was how many times he stuck out his tongue a tell tell sign he backed away from what he said multiple times. Well a few YouTube clips down from my search I saw one of him on some type of morning new talk show admitting to knowing that their was a payoff and over stating his marriage of 25 years??? Just so you know I get it all politicians lie and I think most of them have had women on the side if not all of them you can also look at Bill Clinton’s denial speech. If you want to see a good one of how much Obama’s staffers esp Nancy dis like him look no further then this video. What gets me is I can accept if you want to say alleged sexual assault however its like the false claims that was never proven we just paid these women off. Next victim blaming he has now set up a web site to discredit his victims by stating how they have had money issues and so on I know a lot of people buy it to with out realizing hey anyone can be raped or sexually assaulted even with bad credit rating. A lot of people believe its about the money however im guessing if that was the case they would have been paid off before coming out bc after the fact they cant get the money with out huge public ramifications and I don’t know to many people who would go though that. It would be far easier to just blackmail him before coming out don’t you think? To top it off how does he end this by singing songs about Jesus what is he trying to say symbolically that he is innocent and just like Jesus being hung on some sort of cross he does not disserve lmao sorry I just cant by it and I cant wait for it to come out and be proven how much he is lying just like all the other male politicians before him (there all wrongly accused until their not!). What has got me standing on my soap box for this blog is that well when ever I have talks with people about equality time and time and again esp in America how everything is so fair that all I should do is look at the middle east to see how good we have it bc there is nothing sexist here in American not at all. Though we still blame rape victims talk about a rape victims appearance we cant even say the word rape in the media instead its sexual assault we care more about the legacy of football then children. This of course is cross cultural as well Cambodian women are no different they see nothing wrong with the way they are treated anymore then the way Americans view how women in our country are treated. There is something within us that never wants to be viewed in a victim status so to say there is a status quo that must be met in all cultural and society would mean realizing that you don’t meet that and what you get instead is inequality where you are on the bottom half. So to say there is nothing sexist here is just down right wrong but hey if you want me to give you more proof just ask I have read far to many books lately on the invisibility of women world wide I would happy to further defend my argument if it does not yet meet your standards of proof. Until next time peace out from the other side of the world.
Okay Video one pause at (10 sec, 22 blinks eyes pause on word sexual harassment, 26 sec bits lip sticks out tongue, 35 sec once again pause on the word sexual harassment, 47 sec states he recused him self but pulls back he was asked to leave, 1:03 lip lick yet again, 1:10 body fully turned away protecting him self, 1:12 bites lip, 1:15 lack of eye brow expression of surprises very aware of the situation (later in a talk show does admits to knowing about pay off), 1:18 lip lick yet again) Video two victim pause at (3:49, 3:52, 3:55, 4:00 mins) its hard to capture lies unless your the guy from lie to me however are face leaks out micro expressions all the time unless very well trained we as humans can not control them when you pause at these moments what emotion is leaked out? who is telling the truth? for your exter blast from the past enjoyment i did post up the video of bill clinton and the one of Obama.
yea word choice is key with him put if you stop it at 22 sec you can see he is sad like a dog that puts its tail between its legs no lie.
39 signs of lying enjoy!
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