So a couple months ago I watched this movie called motorcycle diaries about Che Gurvaro’s life more of the innocent reason as luis would put it as to why he became a socialist. Not saying I am become a socialist so have no fear but I guess I can relate a bit better I had my first tour of the hospital and it took everything for me not to breakdown. Right now in Cambodia it is rainy season so misquotes are out and the rate at which dungay fever is hitting is really high this year so the hospital does not have enough beds which are all children right now so you just walk around and there is all these really young kids lying out on wooden beds and fly’s are all over them but it does not seem to really phase them maybe this is just something that I see because I am American, anyways the reason I bring up Che is because it hard not to look at one’s self or the class difference even with in the country and just really reflect on life it self. From that you might think the hospital care is poor here but its not so there is a lot they offer however most of it is supported though ngo’s and I think most of the ngo’s from what I can tell thus far go to pregnant women. There are no tax’s in Cambodian in fact there are no set prices either so I asked the chef health director of the district how will Cambodia be able to pay for this when the ngos leave he just said that they will but slowly but I don’t know where they would get the money with out ngos so I feel they will forever be dependent on foreign and outside help considering that 100 percent of funds for hospital care come from out side help. There system seems pretty efficient from what they have shown us thus far its all about population per capita size so there is big hospitals to local ones to village ones then there is one beneath that which I cant remember the name for however most cases can not be handled by the village which is considered on a scale one or two at that level they do not have blood, electricity in many places so the people must go to a bigger hospital or as they call it a referral hospital. The referral for where I am staying in prey chore is pretty big and the chef has helped my group of health volunteers a lot I felt very vip he set so many things up for us. After the tour he provided us with yesterday he invited us to a special event on dunge fever and though some peace corps scheduling shuffling the health volunteers were able to attend. We all thought we would be going to this event learn and maybe interact with some people but turns out if you get to show up with 6 Americans in Cambodia you are famous so we went from guest to honoree guest and had to sit up on stage with the A.D.B (Asian development bank) which put together for months this whole education for the public so needless to say we felt sort of like okay we show up and get to sit up on stage with people who did all this work. So far this whole experience has made me really want to do as much as I can while I serve in Cambodia when ever I start to think why am I squatting to pee haha sort of feeling I just think all the Cambodian people have been though and it makes me stop victimizing my self pretty quick.
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