I realized I did not get to give you much of an update on my host family since I am slowly getting to know them turns out they have 5 kids 3 girls 2 boys so I was not wrong about the two son part but there is girls to. I actually get to see one of my host sisters on weekends she comes home I think she goes to university she is really cool from the little I can talk to her I think all the neighborhood kids really look up to her they seem to get really excited when she shows up. I think my host mom wishes I new more Khmer because she try’s so hard to talk to me and I never have a clue as to what she is talking about in all honesty I think my host family has learned more eng from me then I learned Khmer hah. I do this thing where is say what I am about to say in Khmer in eng then say it and when I hear it I have to do the whole process so conversation is in slow time for me but this deff has made my host family hear far more eng. Today the Peace Corps set up something called a round table it was meant for families and volunteers to meet and ask questions it was more awkward then anything else. I don’t think either group wanted to ask each other stuff that we feel we should know like for me I have no idea what my host dad does to make money and why there is this lady who works in the house during the day while my host mom watches her soap operas? I tired some new Cambodian desert called jack theming I think something along those lines its basically cook bananas with some sort of goobie balls and a extremely sweet sauce cant say I was the biggest fan. Everyone’s host family main questions where why do you eat so little my host dad harped on that for a while o yea I guess I should mention the women did not come I think its that whole Cambodian male higher archie thing. The best part is everyone in Cambodia wants to over feed you but right after dinner at least in my neck of the woods they love to sit around and ask why I am so fat my host mom will even go and get someone who speaks in eng to just ask me that one question yes this makes me want to eat more rice. However as most of you know I am a picky eater pretty much a pain in the ass to feed and my host mom has to deal with me so for that I give her props. So my host mom is a trip for one bc she noticed that I don’t like how tiny the bones are in everything she will actually sit there and take my plate and cut off meat for me and when it comes to bananas she will peel it for me. She gets extremely upset about misquotes biting me so she goes on bug huts for me around the house esp in my room its deff amusing to watch on a down note bc of this I am not allowed to wear shorts it makes me to much of a target. I also have old clothes and they have rips and thing in them my host mom is quick to sew it up for me which is awesome bc I have no idea how to sew. Lately she has been asking me about my mom back home well not so much about her but she wants to know why me and my mom do not talk on the phone I don’t think she thinks I have parents but I finally convinced her I did and that my mom doest know how to use the phone it’s the only way I could translate it I tired a billion other things that did work so now if she ever meets my mom she might take her aside to show her how to use a phone lmao. In Cambodia people are ocd about there family and she has kids all over Cambodia and they all call each other a lot so the concept of me not calling home a lot is one she can not grasp. Have you ever seen someone who is kick ass with a machete well my host mom is I swear one chop and she chops wood like its nothing all I can say is bad ass. My host dad was in the military maybe and ex police officer but he actually knows how to read eng minus the annoying words with silent letters however I sometimes feel bad bc he can help more with my edu wise way more then my mom but I don’t want the inferiority to be there so I try to included her to. People kept telling him tonight that me and him look alike bc we both have the same type of face have to admit I don’t know what type of face that is but this seemed to make him happy and I just rolled with it like yea were related. I found out that my host family might be Chinese which doest really matter except my host mom version of Khmer sounds soo different and this explains why at least I know its not in my head that she speaks as if she is yelling haha.
Eileen,I wish you could comunicate better with your hoest family. I know you are doing the best you can. It just bothered me some to think they don't realize how much your mom and I love you! I feel that allot of the maturity and ability you have to take on Cambodia comes from your Mom's upbringing. You can show them my You tub Channel so they know you have a dad.