Okay so I start the next two years of my life whoo hoo but I also start lock down I cannot leave site for 3 months, which would not be so bad except im so close to phonom phenn and I need to buy a ton of moving in stuff that I don’t have. I should also note it is lock down for monks to for phcum ben what this means is all day and night long they play music and prey I guess I will bring you back to Sunday when I was on my way to site I deiced to take a taxi and it just so happens a k2 who has extended for a 3rd year wanted to ride with me so mentally I was like cool he knows what happening and I don’t although im someone who in general in life makes some mistakes and that’s the way I learn I dunno why just is. Well he is like this market up here is the closet for you to get out and im thinking in my head I don’t think this is it but okay what do I know well I get out an a few mins later as im walking a see a car ram a moto after that event I get a tuk tuk to site now mind you I live in a ruralish area so for that reason I asked him hey do you know where this is o he went on yes yes yes he knew not a problem I get him to except that I pay him only 1 dollar and I think were good to go except turns out he has no idea at all! So what should have been a short trip turned into a whole day ordeal no big deal. I don’t exactly know how to describe my new site but ill try I live close to the market but not like the last place I lived more quite the people have never seen/ met an American before so everything I do is a big ordeal which for the most part embarrassing because I am by no mean graceful or someone one should role model them selves after. While in Cambodia it rains a lot I happen to live in an area where it tends to flood so most of my town has sand all over the place the market is not to big but there are many fruit stands but not so much clothes and nick nack type of deal. Well a little about my host family okay so the last time I reported things were not adding up for me well now they make a bit more senses first the lady I thought was my host mom is not I guess she is the oldest daughter who is like 40 I thought it odd her and my host dads age diff now I know why anyways I still have no idea why my host mom was gone when I was here but she is a seller she works at a stand with a few of my siblings who are not in school the lady I thought was my mom has like 4 kids of her own and has her own stand as well and I have another sister who has kids to im starting to feel like there is a good 9 people who live with me but that might change bc its all so hard to follow. I think most of my host family seems to like me esp my brothers because I play soccer with them though it might piss them off that im better but it keeps things fun however I feel like one of my sisters might be somewhat stand offish and there’s nothing I can do. Okay so in Cambodia family dynamics get kind of split in weird ways there tends to be one girl in the family who ends up the slave while the others r held up like gods I don’t really know how this slave prototype is chosen but this one sister is 18 and I feel like they make her cook all my meals and I don’t really like the feeling that they left her to make sure I am happy so I don’t know how to deal with this situation. On the other hand I have made I guess what I will call a best friend who is Cambodian and speak eng she is really cool she has a stand her name is jennte she always is trying to get me to go crazy places with her and ride moto’s she doest like to hear about peace corps rules so im pretty sure she is the perfect friend from me! Also I have found my self some Khmer tutors and I spend a night this week helping with there private eng classes so now more little kids will know who I am as far as IRBING (peace corps word for relationship building) everything is going amazing but my langue barier makes it hard for me in the hospital however there is always time and for now its time for the monks to be locked up and me two I just hope one of us comes out knowing a bit more then the beginning of lock down.
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