So lately I have been struggling with the concept of what is truth was is real for instances we can say gravity is a scientific truth but only as we know it and as we go deeper down the rabbit whole so to speak that truth could become a lie lets say in another galaxy another reality etc well I think you get my point. So this leaves us with I guess half-truths in the big picture but in the small picture does it really matter about half-truths or just what we perceive to be the whole truth in our lifetime our reality. I bring up the very notion of truth and reality because for most of our lives we are told certain truths not realizing how a huge chain of events of the very cultural determines much that truth is considered a whole truth vs half-truth. Right now for me the truth I seem to be struggling with the most is the concept of suffering. As an American I should suffer quite easily I mean everyday you see a billion advertising telling you how much you will suffer with out their product how if you don’t have this that and the other you are less then those around you leading to further suffering and isolation so now I am left wondering why I am so much happier with what we as Americans would consider suffering. Granted I had many reason for joining the peace corps perhaps had some expectation of what life would be like as a volunteer but I tried not to hold on to that “truth” I viewed being a volunteer but before leaving and even after the fact I cant help but feel that I was supposed to feel suffering from giving up everything I had in what I will refer to as my old life. At least for me this did not happen I don’t feel too much of a loss for things I had at all but more of a wondering as to why I thought I needed them to begin with. I am not sure what truths you hold to be self evident in your life time but I guess in the sprit of my realization of always wanting to know more and understand the very existences of life around me so weather or not there is real truth there is some form of it out there for us to hunt down. I myself know that know matter what the quest is to understand suffering or the reason behind why I sneez it always seems to keep my mind active.
Ps sorry after writing this I realized how trippy and how unrelated to Cambodia this blog is but ill post it anyways and if your in the mood to think about the randomness I wrote above go for it other wise feel free to skip to more Cambodian related stories.
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