Saturday, October 20, 2012

Life in Between

HEY my blogger world I am in fact alive and doing well I have had some concerned emails as to my wear a bout’s sorry for being sort of mia for a few weeks. I Cosed a term in peace corps world meaning I completed my service yay now you guys can call me an RPCV enough though I have not returned yet haha. Anyways the reason for my lack of communication is that to cos is a lot of time and paper work so I was doing that then right after that I headed to Malaysia for a much needed break to transition into phnom penh. I am now in fact living in the capital city of Cambodia will post some pictures below starting some classes in nov more on that in a min and dealing with some random Cambodian events. Where to start okay well my vacation was interesting Malaysia is far more developed then I thought with some off the beating track places to go see. I spent sometime in Kula lumpor the cities capital  where I was able to couch surf with this guy named sam who was house sitting for some social activist that is living in Singapore  who I guess happened to be a million air so I guess you can say I stayed in the equivalent of Beverly hills of Malaysia haha. Once again I will tell you love couch surfing sam was raised in new Zeeland and just had a lot of connections was supper helpful great host and I met a lot of famous people though him in the short time I was there.  After that I went up to Cameroon high lands which is the mt area where I took some sort of crazy jungle trek to find the worlds biggest flower lol no lie it took 2 and a half hour to find this flower and im not sure the energy it took to climb up rocks and jump over river was worth it but I guess I can say I did it =) also couch surfed there and there was another surfer there at the same time who was from Italy Naples where the pizza is made yumm she was also really cool. Then I went and spent some time with my khmer host cousin who lives in tohla her husband is Malaysian so once again I ended up being surrounded by khmer people where I ended up feeling sorry for her husband bc he does’t speak khmer. Once again I also went into I guess village life was more up scaled then Cambodia but when my host sister took me to someone’s house it was like these people who in aw then to redeem them selves bc I guess they felt that they had to make sure to impress me they took me out to dinner that night where they wore what ill bet is there finest jewelry which happens to be big ass ruby rings etc. It amuses me that they think I care bc I cant afford ruby’s and I don’t know to many Americans that can.  The last leg of the trip was to the prethian island which was my fav part bc u could snorkel right off the beach scuba diving was amazing ill have to post a you tube video of where I went diving lets just say national geographic sends there people out this way a lot.  Well now lets fast forward a bit I am home for a few days it pachum ben Cambodians national holliday to throw rice at dead people but bc Cambodians love to have off we had a full week off so no sooner do I move into phnom penh that I go back to the village for the holidays. Your sitting there thinking y go back well in Cambodia all the city people leave for any holiday to stay in the villages phnom penh shuts down its sort of crazy. Hence the life in between so I have one foot in phonm penh setting up shop hear while visiting the village and spending some time with my host family again which was sort of a shit show ill spare you the details on that. then to top off life in between the Cambodian King dies to explain how important this is to the Khmer people is hard bc we don’t have anything close in the us and on top of it he died on this special day of the dead so now its like proof to the Khmer people he was ment to be there king.  Anyways this king has sort of been retired and his son has taken the thrown but everyone still considered him the real king. He died of hearth failure in china where he has been living for health care reason. The history of Cambodia is complex and has its ups and down but the king has been though all of them and bc he got Cambodian there independence from France he in some ways I guess can be compared to George Washington from an American perspective. On top of this be4 the Khmer rough he was a peoples king he would go out into the provinces work with the people in the rice fields, play with the school children etc. someone like my host mom age really loved him he she even played volleyball with him and I guess he symbolizes aspects of Cambodian culture that Khmer people are proud of. However due to the political climate in Cambodia I did not really no how many people where trying to keep there love for the king on the dl until he died which then impromted people to walk not drive 100 of miles to wait on the streets to see his body go by. While the gov thought only 100,000 people would show up 1 million people showed up the streets of phnom penh where lined from the air port all the way to the royal palace. I did venture over to the palace the night before where people where planning to spend the night and monks and people from all walks of live where chanting and lighting candles etc it was truly an historic to witness one I might not have appreciated if I had not lived in Cambodia so long.  Right now the country is still in a state of morning however there is already speculation of what will happen now that the king is dead bc his son does not really hold power. A lot of people seem to think Vietnam will go to war with Cambodia for land though I honesty had no idea the king held so much power as to keep Vietnam at bay all this time but who knows I guess ill wait and see what happens as Cambodians tend to be pretty negatively biased about boarding countries. While all of this is going on I still had to go in and take a test to get into the development classes at royal university of phnom penh which took all my time today. I might have mentioned I am taking some classes in development but its pretty competitive to get in the program is designed by some NYU professors and evidently from today there are a lot of people trying to get the opportunity to get into the program so I am keeping my fingers crossed I get in though me speaking eng I think does help and my American status doesn’t hurt either. This is pretty much how life in between goes however I can honestly say I am loving life out of peace corps and it will make you all laugh to know that I have taken on a truly Asian life style I bought a new city bike I named it k pop bc it reminds me of a Korean pop star song and now ride my bike all around the city to get places and I have not been hit by a moto or a car yet! I think if I truly can master traffic in phnom penh I really might be able to do this in nyc but only time will tell on that part haha. Well until next time peace out from the other side of the world!!!!  

my host mom making on som a dish to bring to the wat
if this is not a bad ass nun i dont know what is
the night be4 the kings body arrived in cambodia people lined the palace to respect him
the back balcony to my apt!
my new room in the city =) im working on saving up for a bigger bed and mattress 
the kitchen with modern appliances =) 

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