Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Khmer New Years you never really know what year your in dragon?

 So this is a little odd but in Cambodia people are always telling me im different Chinese’s symbols and I think honestly in Khmer world no one know what year it is. I started to do some research on it because I discovered this year the time one celebrate the date was not the same so last year we started in the morning this year it started at night hummm??? So I ask why and apparently there is some physic they realie on who this person is know idea and he/she announces when is the right time to start the new years. There is some mythology with a king and his 7 daughters as well to represent the 7 days of the week they take turn carrying this kings head on a plate don’t ask me why except the world would end if they did not do this yea really but depending what day of the week it is matter with color etc and new years it taken very seriously. This yea the daughter liked the color yellow and bananas so there had to be more bananas then normal.  I was also not aware but there is not just one dragon but several types but this year is the golden dragon. This dragon is the very lucky and brings about more rain then any other year and thus far it has been true it was sort of freaky that it started to rain exactly on the time of new years only thus enforcing there belief system haha. Most volunteers spend April on vacation because its one of the few times that we all have off etc however I went away to India and used up all my vacation time and I sort of like to be in my village for khmer new years. It was not all that exciting o seemed less craziness then last year but played with water powdered etc saeed was riding his bike all the way to phnom penh and stopped by for a while which made my family supper happy and we went for a walk and I think Saeed was splashed with water far more then me but it was interesting. The last day I headed into the city as well to meet up with liz to go see hunger games I had to see what this hype was about we also had a grill out the fire for said grill out took us 1 hour to start haha if a Khmer person was there we would have been laughed at thank god it was just us to.  The city was a ghost town which was cool but erri in Cambodia for holidays its all about the villages never about the city in America its not really like that. Everything is shut down and there is limited stuff to do but we had work for the take back the night. The day I was going to go back to site my host sister jenta called me to meet up with her bc she really wanted to see titanic in 3d haha so in Cambodia I went and saw titanic in 3d I know random but have to say the 3d version was worth the money. I was pretty broke after two movies in a weekend however jenta and me decided to split a bucket for the entire family of KFC, which I never eat in America but is such a big deal in Cambodia. I also spent some time of this holiday with my host mom in the dump/river getting fruit having more random conversation and experiences. I guess with the new year I have to try to go back to that village physic to see what new insight she has in store for me this year though im not sure im ready to hear about my bad luck haha. Well until next time peace out from the other side of the world!!!

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